
Quick list


Words of Advice

Before we get started, keep in mind that Velkacis does not have policies on roleplaying- we do not enforce how users choose to engage with the plot provided by Velkacis. Everyone is expected to come up with their own continuities, and we encourage users to explore all their possibilities, these pages should be considered more as guidelines and less as a strict set of rules to be followed. Ultimately, what you roleplay is up to you so you are welcome to engage in it however you like.

Roleplay groups are expected to manage their own affairs, users who break group-specific terms of roleplay are not necessarily subject to moderation nor will we become involved in accusations of "cheating a roleplay." If you join a roleplay group that ultimately doesn't suit your needs, find another, or form your own! If you do not want to roleplay at all, that is also your choice. The only time our staff will intervene is when site rules are being broken, such as if it is inappropriate or becomes a case of harassment.


Any kind of characters are acceptable in Velkacis, below is the basis for how people and creatures function within society. They each may have their own heritages and histories but are understood as a socially constructed boundary. A character can have multiple attributes at once, although we recommend two at the most to make things easier to follow along.

Attributes are fluid and anything but biological. Characters can shift, undergo transformations, make self-discoveries, or be altered by outside forces. How a character is defined might not be how they appear, and characters might have entirely unique ways of defining themselves altogether.


This includes the earthly, the alien, and anything in between. Although they are renowned for their resilience, in the underworld they are considered vulnerable and may need to rely on enchantments to be able to visit. Mundane beings includes some obvious groups such as humans and animals, but can also include elves, orcs, xenos, and legendary beasts as well.


Because everyone has the innate potential to use magic, and because magical tools and artifacts are abundant, those who are able to use magic are not necessarily arcane- in fact many practitioners are mundane. Think off it more as a way of life than a definition of it. For one to be considered arcane they only need to find it in themselves, this is often through intense study or discovery. Arcanes usually fall under either magi, druids, or psychics.


Fae are a generally capricious race which resemble the mundane in appearance, but are not from the same realm. They are known for their curious ability to commune with nature and dabble in all kinds of earth magic. Faekind may include faeries, merpeople, elves, and so on.


Any creature which, through some transformative force, was met with wondrous effects that altered their original state. In some cases, enchantments might fall under the category of either a 'curse' or a 'blessing.' Werewolves, vampires, dryads, golems, homunculi- all are examples of enchanted races.


Daemon are native to the underworld and are seldom known to traverse beyond it. They have a reputation to outsiders as having sinister and malicious tendencies, but only because most who leave the underworld do so seeking power and dominion. In truth, they are a diverse group who generally prefer to keep to themselves. Imps, ifrits, succubus, and demons are just some examples of daemons.


The divine are celestial beings who originate from neither the underworld nor earth. They are transcendant entities and can range from having a heavenly aura to being all-knowing. Although some locals consider them to be too self-righteous or pompous, they are more often very giving, practical, and insightful. Angels, seraphim, gods, and demigods all are considered divinities.


Any being which is unstable in its appearance and is capable of changing shape. They may have a 'true' form although it is not a requirement. Note that there are spells and potions which would allow any race to shapeshift, at least temporarily, this differs from shapeshifters which can do so innately.


Spirits are different in their composition because they were conjured for some reason or another. They are usually bound to existence by something, such as an object or a place, or perhaps a cause, and depending on their nature may cast blessings or hexes.


Undead is a general terms that applies to any creature who faced death and in one way or another was reanimated. This can refer to zombies, ghouls, and ghosts. Differs from spirits which never had a past life.


Alliances are social and often political groups formed by members with a purpose, they are not a requirement for roleplay however they can add to the experience as they generally host events. There are three canonical alliances mentioned on this page that anyone can choose to join to experience a new side of Velkacis plot, however users are free to run and manage their own alliances as well, either under the canon storyline or not. It is highly recommended that a character join a faction to get the most out of their time on Velkacis, but neutral non-affiliated characters are of course just as welcome.


These are the duties performed by a character, and traditionally a character should pick just one- although classes can be mixed and merged to create something entirely new altogether!

  • Warrior: Specialized in weaponry for doing high amounts of damage. Includes archers, gunners, barbarians, etc.
  • Soldier: Specialized into armor for high defense, able to withstand heavy blows. Can include knights, paladins, lancers, etc.
  • Rogue: Specialized in stealth to allow them access to areas others might not have. Thieves, assassins, ninjas, etc.
  • Mage: Specializes in magic to allow them to cast spells, hexes, charms, and so on depending on the type of magician. Warlocks, druids, alchemists, etc.
  • Healer: Specializes in health to aid in longevity, they can use their abilities for themself or others. Clerics, medics, survivalists, etc.
  • Civilian: These are your shop-keepers, bankers, mail carriers, students/mentors, politicians, families, etc. They make up the layfolk and are vital to a functional society.


These are skills which can all be maxed by any character, each comes with its own type of payoff. Starter characters usually begin with one or two beginner skills, or maybe a moderate skill until they've learned the ropes, whereas more experienced players may feel inclined to include advanced skills. Mentorships exist across all of Velkacis should a character ever want to learn a specific proficiency, though traveling and materials may sometimes be involved.


  • Crafting (art, jewelry, clothing, etc.)
  • Cooking (survival skill if shared with hunting or herbalism)
  • Medicine (understanding of wounds, illnesses, and their cures)
  • Writing (journalism, inscription & scroll-making, etc.)


  • Herbalism (useful for cooking and medicine)
  • Hunting (useful for cooking and crafting)
  • Blacksmithing (creation/repair of weapons and armor)
  • Politics (historian, alliance-forming, other social benefits)


  • Combat (using weapons and attack strategizing)
  • Magic (potions, spellcasting, ancient technology, etc.)
  • Beast taming (pets, mounts, and other services)
  • Construction (simples shelters to architecture)